Contro il malocchio


[Etruscan Sacred Grove in Sutri]


In this workshop, you will learn what is "il malocchio"(the evil eye)  in the Italian belief, and what you can do to remove its negative energy. 

This class focuses on an herbal incense  remedy, and you will learn the significance of the specific traditional herbs used, along with the significance of the numbers and shapes used to form this incense. 

I'll share a folk poem that serves as a prayer in popular tradition, and I will also perform my secret Lineage tradition for  releasing the Evil Eye that I was passed down on Christmas Eve. I will use this same procedure to bless everyone's incense.

You'll learn how to put it altogether to use the incense supply you get to take home.

{ For MARCH and APRIL on-location WORKSHOPS please see EVENTS }

Italy's Witches and Medicine Women 

LECTURE 1  online 

   I wasn't able to make this lecture as  independently streaming option for now, but it is available as an online

   Lecture through ZOOM! 


When you sign up for a lecture, I send you a password that allows you into the LECTURE MEETING the day of the Lecture. You are sent an email with a link to click, and that link prompts you to enter the "meeting."

You can use your phone or your computer. You will need to use the ZOOM application, which is like Skype or

Google Hangouts but with less issues.

I will connect everyone to my desktop and play the video segments for you. 

I will chat a bit between each of the segments, and you are also welcome to ask questions if you choose.

This is a special combination of both lectures. Lecture 1 runs 40 minutes and Lecture 2 runs 40 minutes.

After Lecture 1, there will be a brief 10 minute break before you call back in to complete Lecture 2.

Upon registration I'll send you the password to enter the Lecture "meeting."


"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women" Part 2

This lecture will largely focus on "categories" of Italian Witches, discussion about many Lineage cures and traditions, and links to the pre-pagan past.  

Curing techniques such as the releasing  "Il Malocchio," will be described at length, and Karyn will also give a  demonstration on whomever would like to receive it, of both the "occhi" removal of the "evil eye" as well as the Mediumistic Divine Feminine transference (which looks like the Sa'

Mexina in the black and white photo above). 

This lecture highlights the similarities between Italian Witchery Lineages with Shamanism, and 

how magical practices and paganism, often tangled into the same ball of red yard,   are quite different.

The Lecture presentation offers video interview footage, photos, and a brief overview of the enormous body of information her book contains, with time allowance for Q & A.

​This is a traveling workshop! Email me to present this in your area:

"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women"Part 1  the title  of author Karyn Crisis' book, is based on her research while living among locals in Italy (the Ligure Region of Italy, Toscana area, Benevento and Sanniti area, Rome, and Udine region, and more).  She's interviewed 23 Streghe, Nonna healers, authors (from Benevento, Rome and Naples, and Perturo Irpino, historians, museum directors, ancient folk story experts, Inquisition researchers, Benandanti, and local women from healing Lineages. She's walked on remains of 2,000 year old Goddess temples, received healing treatments from Italian witches, learned about Europe's 500 year long Inquisition,  and crawled along the cobblestones where women were burned...and delved deep into the heart of what truly is an "Italian Witch."

More than this being about the history of unsung female healers, her research has uncovered a most important matrilinear living practice (in  harmony with all of nature's cycles)  that was destroyed and buried under the patriarchy in ancient times (and paganism) ...and whose destruction has affected the modern world today. The Lecture presentation offers video interview footage, photos, and a brief overview of the enormous body of information her book contains, with time allowance for Q & A. 

This is a traveling Lecture !  Email me to present this in your area:

Occhi, Guardia Sanframondi

photo by Bonnie Rae Mills, 2018


This exciting workshop is  part lecture, part hands-on ritual work. It's designed to give you a broad understanding of a most ancient feminine practice gifted from the Spirit World that existed before Paganism and is the true origin of witchery in Old Europe. This workshop will give you an introduction of how to use ancient matrilineal symbols (which have been usurped, demoted, destroyed and perverted by the patriarchy) to create your own symbolic language for ritual that's exclusively feminine, and whose energy offers an intimate connection to the Divine Feminine. After we learn, we will put this knowledge to practical use for our own focused ritual. This introductory class workshop will give you a taste of what will later be offered as a longer course program that includes learning the disciplines of channeling and Mediumship, and working with nature as a conduit. Karyn Crisis is a spirit Medium and author of the forthcoming book, "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women Vol. 1"

This is a traveling workshop! 

Email me to present this in your area:

Channeling for Daily Living:  Spirit Circle CLASS SERIES


​Channeling, or the ability to communicate and work in partnership with the Spirit World, is a practice found around the world and has been utilized since our most ancient times on this planet. It's how people understood the ways of nature pre-technology, and it's how we can reconnect to this wisdom as well as the traditions of our ancestors in modern times.  Spirit World communication is the foundation of Shamanism and world-wide Witchery. 

While the practice of Mediumship's organized training and application of Spirit World communication can be used to give messages to people from passed-on relatives and loved ones to prove existence of life after death of physical body, it can used to channel Divine Wisdom and presence during magical ritual. However, channeling is not relegated to these specific expressions: Higher Guides, such as Goddesses, Angels, Ascended Masters, Indigenous Guides and Healer Guides can also work with us daily, to improve our creativity, our health, and our communication  skills with others as well as to help guide and deepen our personal spiritual path.  

While many "mystery" practices have been traditionally passed down family lines in Italy  (mostly female family lines but also in male ones) there were times when the family units were broken or when religio-politcal motives sought to cut off people from these psychic-mediumistica an magical traditions, and this is when the Spirit World reached out to people to re-establish these traditions.

Throughout  Italy's history this has been documented with the appearance of Goddess and the "Signora del Gioco". The Signora del Gioco visited young women, as documented in Inquisition testimonies during the early Witch Hunt period in Milan,to reconnect them with women's wisdom: secrets of nature and how to cure with herbs, midwifery, divination, and more.  She taught them in an organized Spirit Circle:  among the trees, at night time, the same night of the week each week. There were strict rules and ethics and people who broke these rules were not allowed back. 

In this Channeling class series,  you will learn the Spirit Circle traditions taught by the

Signora del Gioco and their modern day counterpart in Spiritualist traditions which can be used as a daily or weekly practice.  


+ Difference between psychic reading and Medium reading

+ How do I know if Spirit is communicating with me ?

+ What are the different categories of Guides?

+ How do I iniitate communication?

+ How do I ensure clean communication?

+ What is the role of Natural Law in Spirit World communication?

+ How do I recognize different types of spirits: ghosts, guides, and the darker   things?

+ How can I use Nature in Spirit communication?

+ What are the benefits in training alone versus in a cirlce?

+ What is Mediumistic healing

​+ What can I do if something darker comes through?

+ and more...


Sa' Mexina, Sardegna

For currently booked workshops and Lectures, please see my EVENTS page




Italian Incense Class: Remedies to Cure the Evil Eye  

   I wasn't able to make this lecture as  independently streaming option for now, but it is available as an online

   Lecture through ZOOM! 


When you sign up for this lecture, I send you a password that allows you into the LECTURE MEETING the day of the Lecture. You are sent an email with a link to click, and that link prompts you to enter the "meeting."

You can use your phone or your computer. You will need to use the ZOOM application, which is like Skype or

Google Hangouts but with less issues.

I will connect everyone to my desktop and play the video segments for you.

+This lecture is part imagery, part lecture explaining WHY we are using these roots, herbs, and binders and their connection to the Divine Feminine.

+WHY we are using specific numerical repetitions

+WHICH days of the week are most significant for this


+You'll be given an Activation Meditation which uses an ancient symbol of the feminine connection to the cycles of 

nature, a  folk prayer, and more!

+I'll show you how to put your ingredients together in a specific way to turn this into intentional incense.

I need to send you via postal mail:

+Packets of dried herbs, enough to make one week's work of incense

+A mini booklet of essential information

It's not essential for your to have these items in-hand for 

the don't worry-if you sign up at the last moment, I'll still send you the ingredients and you'll still

be able to put them together to make your incense.

This Christmas Eve, an Italian  Lineage tradition ( secret prayer  and marks) were passed down to me,   woman-to-woman.

Its  purpose is to  fight"il malocchio," the evil eye, and the specific symptoms it causes; namely, the effect of negative spirits whose

influence can appear as: feelings of being cursed, depression, electronic interference,  "brain fog," sadness, and a sense of "being watched," and

a feeling of dread, lethargy, and headaches. The photo above shows the tools I use, but they are just the channel: the  

Divinely Feminine Spirits who do the healing use them as a medium.


In 2016, in the province of Benevento near the Sabato River and the location of the legendary Magic Walnut Treeof

the witches, I was passed down a Lineage tradition of the pre-poagan Grande Dea: the Great Goddess or Great Mother. The hand

positions look similar to the Sa' Mexina of Sardegna, the difference is how the Divine Energy is channeling herself. In Sardegna's Sa' Mexina,

the cure is for il malocchio, and the Spirits send the healing energy through the healer. 

The purpose of the Mediumistic healing method I demonstrate from Campania is to reconnect people with the Great Goddess Mother

through a transmission of Divinely Feminine energy.

This  energy is guided by 4 historically named Goddesses: Cibele, Iside, Diana, Aradia.

A rotating combination of all 4  work to open a person's reception to  feminine energy.  This has been reported by people: feeling the left side of

their physical and energy body opening, sensations of energy or spirit moving around them,  visions of robed women ascending mountains,

sensing the great sadness of the Mother whose history has been buried and hidden so very long ago. This is a modern response to women

being disconnected from their own family Lineages, and a method to reconnect through Spirit World assistance.

demonstrate both of these modalities at my lectures and workshops free for attendees, and attempt to explain, in great detail,

Lineage curing traditions that are difficult to explain: because while simple household tools (like cups and bowls and spoons) are used

along with nature (water, oil, and/or herbs), it is the Spirits who send the healing energy through the healer.

The Italian way looks deceptively simple, plain, ordinary: it's extraordinary magic "in plain sight."
 It is my belief that more of these feminine shamanism practices will be recovered as women around the world are now freeing themselves from the way we and our ancestors haven been misrepresented by the longstanding patriarchal view in history, archaeology, and 

spiritual documentation.
This is our time to reclaim.​​​