Saturday, June 24th at Catland Bookstore

                                                   in Brooklyn, NY   

                                              987 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 

                                              718- 418- 9393​


"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women"


Saturday, Feb 4th from 7:30-8:30pm

$15, reserve your place:

​This event was SOLD OUT.

SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 3-4pm EST, $20


SUNDAY MARCH 18, 2-3pm EST, $20

Read more on the Lectures + Workshops page!

Karyn Crisis'LANGUAGE OF THE GODDESS Ritual Workshop.
This exciting workshop will be part lecture, part hands-on ritual work. It's designed to give you a broad understanding of a most ancient feminine practice gifted from the spirit world that existed before Paganism and is the true origin of witchery in Old Europe. This workshop will give you an introduction of how to use ancient matrilineal symbols (which have been usurped, demoted, destroyed and perverted by the patriarchy) to create your own symbolic language for ritual that's exclusively feminine, and whose energy offers an intimate connection to the Divine Feminine. After we learn, we will put this knowledge to practical use for our own focused ritual. This introductory class workshop will give you a taste of what will later be offered as a longer course program that includes learning the disciplines of channeling and Mediumship, and working with nature as a conduit. Karyn Crisis is a spirit Medium and author of the forthcoming book, "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women". 


Trying something new...because I'm not able to stream  my lectures at this point in time, I decided to take other suggestions and use ZOOM

to give lecture "meetings". Before this lecture, I'll send you a link and a 

password to enter the "meeting" where I'll screen share with you to 

show you video interviews and footage! There are also opportunities 

for questions. This Lecture will be given from 3pm EST- 3:40, we'll have a

ten minute break, then reconvene for another 30-40 minutes. 

This is a special combination of Lectures 1 and 2. 


You can sign up on my Lectures+Workshops+Readings page.

Thank you for your participation!

See you on SUNDAY FEB 25 at 3pm EST!!!

This event was  SOLD  OUT 

Debut zine from Ritual Cravt's School: The Serpent and the Crow: Featured Witch Karyn Crisis presents an article entitled "into the Darkness" about an experience she had in Italy and how she embraced it in her daily life. This beautiful quarterly zine features  contributions from an assortment of Ritualcravt teachers and readers  and photography from guest Pale With Decay.

The zine “is dedicated to Hecate, Hades, and the dark spaces within us all. So mote it be.”
30 pages of tools and writings for embracing the dark spaces in our practices for the season and beyond.

Available as a bundle with "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women Vol 1." on this website, or by itself through Ritual Cravt's webshop and storefront:

"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women" Lecture

Friday, September 23, 2016, at Catland in Brooklyn, NY. 

​This event was SOLD OUT.



I started this website to replace my newsletter and as a repository for articles which go into greater depth about material in my book! I've also invited Italian friends of mine to contribute articles  offering you insiders' perspectives on a very special world:

Italian Incense Workshop:  Remedies to Cure the Evil Eye

Italy's Witches and Medicine Women  Lecture 1

I'm pleased to announce that the Amaro and Herbalism talk I gave for Altas Obscura in Brookyn in the fall culminated in this exciting collaboration with Ravenous Zine. I wrote an article based on my talk about the hidden "herstory" of the herbalism  behind Italy's Amaro drink which you can find among other wonderful writing in this debut zine.  You can preorder your copy at :

SUNDAY, MARCH 11th, 3-4pm EST, $30


SATURDAY MARCH 17, 2-3pm EST, $30

Read more on the Lectures + Workshops page!


This is the last Bay Area lecture and demonstration

event for the immediate future. 

Author Karyn Crisis is moving to NYC!

Held this Saturday, January 6th at Empress Vintage

                                                                       1757 Alcatraz Ave

                                                                       Berkeley, CA

From 12 noon to 2pm.

Karyn will be demonstrating a healing method from 

Benevneto, Italy, as well as removing "il Malocchio,"

(the Evil Eye) from a specific Lineage tradition.

Come buy a book, hear Karyn read select passages,

see video footage of Italian streghe and erboristi,

and ask questions!​ FREE EVENT                                               


Lucky 13 is FREE entry with Book Purchase or  $15 entry, 7:30-9:30 pm  

Catland event is $20, 7-9 pm, tickets here:

Call Brid's Closet for times and tickets: 845-458-8726

Call Crossroads Gifts & Wellness to sign up for Sleeping Dragon event: 518-357-8366

ATLAS OBSUCRA events, tickets on their website: ​

SUNDAY, August 13,   5-6 pm

at The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA. 510-444-9355

$15 fee


+ AMARO + HERBALISM article printed in RAVENOUS ZINE for the Wild Woman VOl 1: CRAFT 

December 2017

​+INTO THE DARKNESS article printed in Ritual Cravt School's 



Autumn 2017

+AMARO + HERBALISM Lecture for 


"Explore Amaro and Herbalism on a Waterfront Urban Farm"

October 16 + 17, 2017

+EMPOWER RADIO appearance, 

interviewed by Karen Hager

January 2018


interview by Ryan Downey,

January 2018​​

PRINTS! It's been a while since I've made prints of my paintings available, but I'm about to unleash a new batch!

Thanks to BLICK Art Materials' Design Center for inviting me to be part of their PRINT SHOW on Wednesday, April 19th from 12noon-5 pm at their shop:

979 Market Street (corner of 6th) in San Francisco. I'll be there with two size runs of a dozen different images. LATER this week, they'll also be for sale here!


​with new stories and information:

"Italy's Witches and MedicineWomen"
Lecture  with video and photos at: SCARLET SAGE HERB CO.

1193 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA
Saturday, March 4th from 7:30-8:30pm


        Two nights at Denver's RitualCravt shop:

                   "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women"

​             Lecture with video and photos on Saturday,  April 8

from 7-8:30 pm, $15

           "Ancestor Pathworking Guided Interactive Meditation"

Hands-on workshop  on Sunday April 9

at 1-2:30pm, $25

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn the basics of high-quality channeling from a professional Medium! Use these techniques in ritual, Mediumship, and daily practice for your highest learning experience with the Spirit World.

​During this one-hour guided meditation, we’ll raise our vibrations and work with the conduits of nature: earth, air, fire, and water, to connect with our Ancestors through the practice of channeling. Be prepared to dig your hands into soil, dance your fingers through water, have your senses (physical and psychic) awakened and directed towards a more ancient time, while the rhythms of Scandinavian shamanic music merges with your heartbeat. 
Participants: please being a stone to work with, preferable a rounded rock from the street, the forest, or a park.


KARYN CRISIS returns to Brooklyn's CATLAND BOOKS to present:

"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women: Part II"

Lecture with video footage, photos and Q& A session on June 18th 


"Language of the Goddess" Ritual Workshop on June 24th.

Buy Tickets at:

987 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY

 (718) 418- 9393 


"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women" Lecture

Monday, Sept 9th 2016,  at BRID's CLOSET in Cornwall, NY.  This event was SOLD OUT.


This lecture will largely focus on "categories" of Italian Witches and curing techniques using oil and water such as the releasing  of "Il Malocchio."   Karyn will also give a Healing demonstration that she received her transmission from in the Campania region of Italy. All who attend may experience the healing energy.  The method is similar to the one pictured at left in the black-and-white photo from Sardegna.

Saturday, Sept 2 at The Scarlet Sage Herb Co, 

1192 Valencia Street, SF. 415- 821- 0997


Guided Meditation for Ancestor Pathworking

Sunday, September 24, 2016 at Catland, NY


LISTEN to Intuitive Karen Hage interviewing author Karyn Crisis about  "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women Vol 1." on Out of the Fog Radio here: OUT OF THE FOG INTERVIEW



This photograph is from Sardegna and shows the healing method that Karyn will demonstrate. 

This lecture will largely focus on "categories" of Italian Witches and curing techniques such as the releasing  "Il Malocchio," various ways of using water to release illness.  Karyn will also give a Healing demonstration.
"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women,"  the name of Karyn Crisis' forthcoming book, is based on her research while living among locals in Italy (the Ligure Region of Italy, Toscana area, Benevento and Sanniti area, Rome, and Udine region, and more).  She's interviewed 23 Streghe, Nonna healers, authors (from Benevento, Rome and Naples, and Perturo Irpino, historians, museum directors, ancient folk story experts, Inquisition researchers, Benandanti, and local women from healing lineages. She's walked on remains of 2,000 year old Goddess temples, received healing treatments from Italian witches, learned about Europe's 500 year long Inquisition,  and crawled along the cobblestones where women were burned...and delved deep into the heart of what truly is an "Italian Witch."More than this being about the history of unsung female healers, her research has uncovered a most important matrilineal living practice (inharmony with all of nature's cycles)  that was destroyed and buried under the patriarchy in ancient times...and whose destruction has affected the modern world today. The Lecture presentation offers video interview footage, photos, and a brief overview of the enormous body of information her book contains, with time allowance for Q & A.

Karyn interviewed by Kello Frances Corrado on her radio show #thewitching hour. Listen here: Female Pressure

While this lecture will share information from Part 1 as well, it will largely focus on "categories" of Italian Witches and curing techniques such as the releasing the Malocchio, using water to release illness. Karyn will also give a Healing demonstration.
"Italy's Witches and Medicine Women",  the name of Karyn Crisis' forthcoming book, is based on her research while living among locals in Italy (the Ligure Region of Italy, Toscana area, Benevento and Sanniti area, Rome, and Udine region, and more).  She's interviewed 23 Streghe, Nonna healers, authors (from Benevento, Rome and Naples, and Perturo Irpino, historians, museum directors, ancient folk story experts, Inquisition researchers, Benandanti, and local women from healing lineages. She's walked on remains of 2,000 year old Goddess temples, received healing treatments from Italian witches, learned about Europe's 500 year long Inquisition,  and crawled along the cobblestones where women were burned...and delved deep into the heart of what truly is an "Italian Witch."More than this being about the history of unsung female healers, her research has uncovered a most important matrilineal living practice (inharmony with all of nature's cycles)  that was destroyed and buried under the patriarchy in ancient times...and whose destruction has affected the modern world today. The Lecture presentation offers video interview footage, photos, and a brief overview of the enormous body of information her book contains, with time allowance for Q & A.


Karyn Crisis is back at the Scarlet Sage to share even more magic in May! In this interactive one hour guided meditation, we will work with the conduits of nature: earth, air, fire, and water, to connect with the spirits of our Ancestors. Be prepared to bury your hands in soil, scry with water, use your own natural psychic senses and imagination to reconnect with your own lineage in this powerful and deeply personal meditation. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn the basics of high-quality channeling from a professional Medium! Use these techniques in ritual, Mediumship, and daily practice for your highest learning experience with the Spirit World.
Location: The Scarlet Sage Herb Co., 1193 Valencia St. SF, CA 94110 Time: 7:30-8:30 pm, Tuesday May 2, 2017, $15 fee. 


Sunday, June 25th at Brid's Closet

in Cornwall, NY

282 Main Street, Cornwall, NY


Karyn Crisis'LANGUAGE OF THE GODDESS Ritual Workshop.

This exciting workshop will be part lecture, part hands-on ritual work. It's designed to give you a broad understanding of a most ancient feminine practice gifted from the spirit world that existed before Paganism and is the true origin of witchery in Old Europe. This workshop will give you an introduction of how to use ancient matrilineal symbols (which have been usurped, demoted, destroyed and perverted by the patriarchy) to create your own symbolic language for ritual that's exclusively feminine, and whose energy offers an intimate connection to the Divine Feminine. After we learn, we will put this knowledge to practical use for our own focused ritual. This introductory class workshop will give you a taste of what will later be offered as a longer course program that includes learning the disciplines of channeling and Mediumship, and working with nature as a conduit. Karyn Crisis is a spirit Medium and author of the forthcoming book, "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women".  Class fee: $15, all materials supplied. 

Location: The Scarlet Sage Herb Co. 1193 Valencia St. SF, CA 94110
Please purchase tickets in advance at:            

  or call (415)  821-0997

Ryan Downey interviews Karyn Crisis on his podcast No Prize From God, available for free on itunes. Karyn speaks about: growing up with ghosts, dying, and the creation of the "witch myth" during Europe's 500 + year witch hunts:​


Karyn presenting a lecture at Scarlet Sage Herb Co. in San Francisco