This is our new address! Some classes will still be available below and on the Live Events page till the end of the year as all is integrated.
THANK YOU for your interest in GOLDEN BOUGH SCHOOL Online!
The passion of this school from the start has been to make information accessible to people for their own empowerment, information that may feel difficult to find or attain, information that can help put puzzle pieces of magical lives together.
This school is a Spirit-guided school, based on the Abundance principles of the Universe and of the Divine Feminine Night School of Italy and its teachers: La signora del gioco, the Great Fairies, and the Ladies of Outside, Madonna of the East...Classes and workshops are based on some conn-
ection and communication with high quality spirit helpers. While you can certainly learn without channeling and instead DIY conceptualize ideas
found here, the rural Italian traditions are based on it.
This school began with a focus on Rural Italian traditions which are shamanic: meaning, they activate with the permission of the spirits who created them, traditions normally inherited through family lines (or from the Night School via astral travel for those who are disconnected from their family lines). However, these traditions don't have methods for: improving channeling skills nor mediumship practices nor psychic work in the way most of us understand them in contemporary times.
So in addition to these rituals and traditions, GOLDEN BOUGH SCHOOL now also offers supplemental classes focused on exercises for: channeling, mediumship skills, and psychic work along with contemporary views on the ancient principles the rural traditions are based on.
The Divine Feminine Spirits who guide this school feel :
It's important for people to know that they are valid and their individual spiritual experiences are valid. And they aim to offer information that will make sense of dreams, experiences and more that may not have explanations in other paths. This school offers a landing pad for those who are DISCOVERING they are on a path, a path that FOUND THEM and is UNFOLDING ITSELF to them..but an ancient path that doesn't have a printed Guidebook. As a landing pad, you're meant to remember to trust your wings and fly from here guided by your own heart: empowered, regenerated, and most of all, trusting yourself and your own path that you forge from here onward.
For the Study and Practice of Indigenous Italian Shamanism, Daily Sacred Magic, Channeling, and Mediumship
Please feel free to email me with questions:
Classes focusing on RURAL ITALIAN traditions and application of universal law.
also home of THE NIGHT SCHOOL, where we fly to meet La Signora del Gioco
All Class Materials (pdfs, info, videos) unlock the date of class. They will remain as a streaming class thereafter.
Please feel free to email me with questions:
By scheduling a session, class, healing, reading and all services here on this site, you acknowledge and agree that it's your choice to do so for entertainment purposes and learning only. None of the services of Karyn Crisis and Golden Bough School are meant to take the place of any psychological, doctoral, medical, or other professional advice. You agree that you are solely responsible for the choices you make to book services here, results for which are not guaranteed.
Karyn Crisis | Spirit CHANNEL
Classes focusing on CHANNELING, psychic development, mediumship and universal law